Reset & Register DoorCam
*** VERY IMPORTANT *** Please put your phone in airplane mode and verify that your Wi-Fi setting is turned ‘ON’ and that you are connected to your 2.4GHz network before you begin. Airplane mode prevents attempted connection to the cell tower during installation.
To reset your DoorCam, remove the battery cover and then press and hold the Reset button located on the body of the device for about ten seconds. The green lights will begin to blink.
Remove the device – If this is not the first time you’ve registered the device, you must remove it from the app before re-registering it. Login to the Remo+ app and tap on the ‘Account’ icon at the bottom of the home screen, then tap on the third menu item ‘Information’, then tap on the image of the device you are removing in the ‘Your Devices’ list, then tap ‘Remove’ and confirm twice
Select the ’+’ button from the Home tab and follow the on-screen instructions.
Please remember to take your phone off of airplane mode when you are finished!
DC, Setup, Install, Connect, Registration, Reregister